Jul 21, 2011


Congratulation Irmaaaaaaa....!!!
First, thanks God for everything, You listen to my prayer.
Second, big thanks to Daddy, Mommy, Sister and Brother for your support and your patience. I promise not to disappoint you.
Third for my best Dana Paramita and Tery Valeriana Ansela thanks yaaaahh for your support, your entertainment and for accompanying me in joy and sorrow *kisshug*
Fourth for my boyfriend Danang. Thanks yaaaahh you've supported me when I failed of testing to get in Diponegoro University and you've entertained me when I was sad.

The last, thank you all for your supports and prayers.
Although not at a state university, I'll prove that I can be the best and make you all proud of me! Amiiiinnn
Once again, thank youuuuu.....