Dec 12, 2011


12 - 14 December 2011
I have to do an exam
Hopefully can get good grades, amen :)

Dec 7, 2011

getting stress

Hey! Long time no see :)
Last, I've posted something about homework from tery and fira.
And now, I wanna share about my activities.
Yaaapppp I was so busy because of all my tasks, not only one but more than that, actually I'm so tired but I have to do that to make my parents proud of me and I wanna be an architect.
Oh ya, I wanna tell you about my another idol, his name is Abi. I love him since the camp at kopeng, and we knew each other. So far, we are just friends. I love him, he doesn't love me but I hope he loves me too. That was so sad right? Yeaaahh that's my life, I'm so fed up with that. No one loves me and cares about me.
I feel so lonely :(
I need someone who loves me, really need that :'(
Oh noooo, skip that please.. I don't want to upset again, I wanna have fun with my friends :)

I will test soon then I will long holiday about 3 months. Horaaaayyy I'm so happy :D
I wanna go, spend the holiday with my friends!
Oh I forget! I've signed up in Indonesian Idol 2012, which will be held on 14-15 January 2012, this is my registration number,
I hope I can pass the audition, ameeenn o:)
Pray for me yaaaahhhh

Okay, I think that's enough from me.
If you wanna share with me, I'll gladly listen :)
Enjoy my site :*

Dec 5, 2011

check this out!

I've got a homework from fira and tery where i have to answer 11 questions from them. Oh maaannn that's so confusing me, haha. But I have to do that!
This is the rules,

Okay first, I wanna share 11 things all about me, even though that's not enough for me but i have to share this,
1. I like dancing
2. I like music
3. I like cheerleading so much
4. Short hair where I will make it become long hair haha
5. Brown skin
6. My friends said that I'm boyish but I don't think so
7. I'm moslem
8. I have two bestfriends
9. I love my family so much
10. I will be an architect
11. The last, I love all about me

Second, I have to answer from Fira's question
1. Do you think you cool? why?
- I don't think so, because I feel that I'm so friendly :p
2. What's your goal in life?
- To make my parents proud of me
3. Tell me about your future husband/wife!
- Moslem, kind of me, and love me so much.
4. What's is your blog's name? why you choose that?
- In it to know it, because first of all i don't kno what a blog is, but after I joined this site finally i knew what it is.
5. Do you hate me? :p
- Absolutely no, I love you so much :*
6. Who's your role model?
- My mom o:)
7. What are you doing lately?
- Do all my tasks
8. Do you like sky? why?
- I like that so much, it can make me feel so calm down
9. Can you cook something to eat? except instan noodle? :p
- I CAN!! Soup, fried rice, omelet, etc.
10. Can you imagine, the world without war? tell me about your imaginations!
- Emmm there would be no story I think
11. Do you like blooging? why?
- First, I don't. But now, I like it so much because it's so fun.

and from Tery,
1. cheerleader or dancer. which one? why? :p
- Both of them, you know me so well laaahhh haha
2. do you have a pet? what it is?
- First, I have 2 hamsters and fish. But now, they were already dead :(
3. do you like art? what kind?
- Like like like it so much! Emm like an unique building, because I'm an architect wanna be haha ameenn o:)
4. rock or jazz music?
- Jazz one.
5. what do you think about me? :p
- Just one word, funny
6. if you can back to yesterday, what will you do?
- Do all my tasks clearly :'(
7. what are you doing on weekend?
- Doing my tasks, there's no day without task :(
8. do you have a boy/girlfriend? hihihi :p
- Not yet :p
9. what's your childhood name?
- Nana
10. do you like rain? tell me why :)
- I like rain but I don't like hard rain. Because rain can make my heart cool
11. what do you think? I'm a student of JHS, SHS, or college?
- Kindergarten maybe haha, nonoooo just kidd baby, emmm still jhs I think, sorry :*

Finally, I've done! Now I wanna make 11 question for my friends,
1. Who's your favourite artist?
2. Can you sing a song?
3. Do you like playing music? What is it?
4. What's your hobby?
5. Do you love your life? Tell me why!
6. Have you ever love someone who don't love you?
7. Can you explain how's your college or school now?
8. Can you dancing?
9. What do you think about me?
10. Have you ever know me? haha
11. What do you think about my blog?

Congratulation for my friends! You have to answer my questions :)
1. dana - hello behel
2. tya - little awel
3. lucy - anak minang merantau
4. inesa - catataninesa
5. mrigasira - benvenuto
6. tino - i hate thicking clock
7. mutia - bunga berakar
8. putri - putrislim
9, 10, and 11 who want to answer this :)

Thank you for your attention :D

Nov 8, 2011


November, 4th 2011 
We held a party to celebrate 44th birthday architecture of Unika Soegijapranata that called DIES NATALIS!! The dress code was ladies in white and gentleman in black.
Me and my new friends took some photos on the red carpet and background with a picture of FAD.
Their pose was so funny, we were so happy.

Emm let me introduce my two best friends, both of them is boy haha don't worry, we just a friend no more :)
We took two photos, just me, vincent and dimas. They were so funny, check this out!

 dimas, me, and vincent :*

LOOK!! Vincent has touched my mole! He was so nosy, huh!

The last, I wanna share that I have an idol. His name is Mario from architecture '09. When I asked my friend that I wanna took a photo with him, Mario invited me. Uuuhh speechless! I don't know what should I do.
Finally we took two photos! I wore white shirt, and he wore black shirt with his funny face hahaha I love it so much! SEE!!

I like this photo, because he looks so funny, cute and so adorable

this part, I felt so close with him. Look at his left hand, it was behind me! hahaha love love love <3

and I love this part! I look so beautiful, he looks so handsome :D

That's all!
I still have so many stories about that night, but I don't wanna share because that stories were so long. I don't have time enough, I wanna continue my tasks :)
See you next time, bye :*

long time no see

haaaaahhhh lama tidak bersua ini ckckck
apakabar blogger?? aku sibuk karena tugas, jadi susah cari waktu buat blogging :(
never mind! I have so many stories that I wanna share to you, wait me :)

Sep 19, 2011

NEW header!!

Yeaaahh that's my new header, why did I change it like that?? Because, I entered this virtual world to know what is a blog, and why do the people like to join this site. Finally I knew the answer because I join too haha :D 

Sep 2, 2011

Eid Stories

Sorry I'm late
Assalamualaikum wr wb

Finally, we have a final day on Wednesday, August 31st, 2011.

As usual, my "BIG" family gathered at our grandparent's house precisely in Tawangsari, Semarang. Before that, my family did Eid prayer in Mosque near my house. After we did that, we did "sungkem" (what is it in english? Emm I don't know haha) we took some photos. And then, we shook hands each other with our neighbours.

 me, my daddy, mommy, sister, and brother.

After all is done, we went to our grandparent's house and did "sungkem" again and we took some photos again.

and that is my BIG family

And then this is what we wait, "KUPAT OPOR AYAM" yeaaaahhhh hahaha!
Food that must exist at the time of Eid Mubarak hihi.
After we have filled, we took a rest for a while and then went to my grandpa's and great-grandma's tomb.

Finally all is done.
In that evening, we went to our village, Muntilan to met up our relatives. Beside that, my mom wanna see her farm which planted to corn but it's not ready yet for harvest. Don't worry, I've taken some photos in there.

that is when we visited my grandpa's brother.

 my aunt, sister, and me

 me and my sister


 me and my big family

me and my lovely mom :*

when I played the hoe.

me, my sister and my cousin.

Yeaaaahhh done! How wonderful it is, right?
Unfortunately we have to go home at Friday, September 2nd, 2011 because I have so many tasks that have to submit on Monday, September 5th, 2011. Haaaahhh I'm so sad :(
Hmmm what can we do, it's already happening. Maybe next time I will go there again to harvest corn haha.
Just wait my next stories. 
Bye! :*
Wassalamualaikum wr wb