Feb 20, 2012

sunday morning

get your rock!

i felt so rock when i wore a latex jacket and glasses
i made my hair disheveled, tied my hair and made my poni spiky, i'm rock!!

Feb 19, 2012

i miss being loved

hai, long time no see right?
okay, i wanna share about my life right now.
people were born to love each other, okay my family and my friends love me but that's not enough :(
i need someone to love me, i miss being loved, i need someone to care about me, more than friends.
i have a heart but not to hurt, i have a heart to be loved, but so far i haven't found it.
maybe you will think that i was over, but it is reality, i can't lie to myself :(
i miss being loved
i miss being loved
i miss being loved
i miss being loved
that's enough, i have told all about all my feelings now :)
this may be too short, but it is representative of all my feelings
thank you, bye :*

Feb 5, 2012


January, 31st 2012

Long time no see!!!!
Ian, Nindya, Klis, Memeng, Disty, and Mbot.
Finally we spent our day with go to The Hills restaurant and Lind's Cafe.

disty, mbot, ian, me
nindya, klis, memeng

That pictures taken at Lind's cafe by Mbot's camera, it's so beautiful place I thought.